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Friday, November 22, 2013

Molly: a re-branded and re-marketed Ecstasy

For those of you who, like me, came into this world too late to get into the 'electronic music' scene, this is the new drug craze that you are missing out on:

The story behind Molly reveals something about how addictive thinking sets in.  This drug is really not much different than Ecstasy, which lost its popularity by frying the brains of the repeat-users it didn't outright kill.

Now, a 'normal' person would think, "Gee, some guy I barely knows wants me to buy a pill and swallow it.  He says it is a drug, but it could be just about anything.  It could harm me, so I think I will pass on this."  self-preservation is our normal human instinct.  We don't eat food we think is 'corrupted' because we have an instinctual fear of being poisoned.  When our body detects a poison, it goes into a reactive process to eliminate the poison.  That's why we puke when we drink too much... the body is 'smarter' than we are at times.

The onset of addictive thinking begins when we set aside these self-preservational inhibitions.  A starving man will overcome his initial revulsion at the sight and smell of rotten food and eat something even if it has gone bad.  I suppose hat's how we ended up with all kinds of awful fermented foods like natto and surströmming.  What happens is that our desires overcome our restraints.

In the case of young people, the desire to have a good time and be free of their concerns often overcomes both their natural and socialized inhibitions.  We should wonder why.

Why is 'clubbing' and getting high so important to young people?

I'd say from experience there are a number of reasons:

1) We glorify entertainment and pleasure over virtue and knowledge.  Sure, we want our young people to co to college and be smart, but it is so they can become materially successful and afford higher levels of entertainment and pleasure.  Our society does not exult those who are good.  In fact, it mocks them.

2) With the destruction of the family, young people are, more than ever, insecure in their relationships.  Therefore, their daily lives are about creating bonds to replace what they should be getting from family.  This makes social activities like clubbing far more stimulating than what they were several centuries ago.

3) The advancement of technology tends to overstimulate us and leave us burned out with lesser activities, so we are constantly having to 'increase the volume' to derive pleasure.  For example, if you are constantly listening to your favorite songs on your MP3 player, what is the benefit of going to a concert?  The concert has to become more than just the music you like, hence the light show and the drugs.

So, our young people are sent into the world over-stimulated and needy.  Even before addiction sets in, these conditions leave them as prime targets for addiction.  Molly and other street drugs play into those lowered self-preserving inhibitions.

Many young people are able to 'safely' navigate the waters of materialism and construct relatively secure lives without either addictions or even God.  Our technological advancements have made that possible.  But, there are many casualties along the way.

Molly is just more ammunition in the war against mankind.

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