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Friday, March 21, 2014

Heroin in the US

Sorry that posting has been a bit sporadic lately, but with Lent and the passing of our Metropolitan, it has been a busy time.

I've also been spending a lot of time reading about sexuality and brain research, which has left me with even more questions than answers.  The upcoming presentation on the 29th may be more controversial than I expected, because what I am theorizing is something that I have not heard as a popular description of sexual disorders and sexuality in general.

So, what I am really hoping for is that those who attend are willing to argue and question what I am going to say.  I need the 'push back.'  It helps get to the truth, or at least something resembling it.

In the meantime, here's a fascinating, albeit brief, take on the heroin situation in the US.  Hint: it is not getting any better.

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